1. You should always keep in mind refined and brown sugar, corn sweeteners, sucrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, fruit syrups and any other sugars. They are proven to spike insulin levels, which results in storing body fat. In order to preplan everything you eat, you must learn what do the nutrition labels say and what does it mean. Healthy sugars such as honey, maple syrup, date syrup or molasses should be consumed in small quantities.


2. Dark chocolate is not a healthier alternative to diary chocolate. Milk chocolates are highly processed and should be avoided, but even the high-percentage-cocoa dark chocolates are as dangerous. Definitely avoid them.


3. Shed body fat slowly in order to achieve better results. Proper supplementation and nutrition are key in your exhausting workouts. Skipping meals can be dangerous, as calorie reduction leads to storing body fat, triggers catabolism and depletes your muscle tissue. Avoid starvation. Instead have something worthy to eat.


4. Take away is convenient, but it will be much better to preplan your meals. Or cook once or twice a week a mass-meal, pack it and place it in the fridge. This way, you will have plenty to eat “on the go”.


5. Pack your lunch and afternoon meals when you go to work. It will increase immensely your chances of shedding body fat. People who preplan their meals and pack their lunch are less likely to stray from their eating plan.


6.  Eat slowly. It takes the brain 20 minutes to signal satiation, the feeling of fullness. If you eat too fast, you might overeat, which is not advisable for those, dreaming of a fat burn.


7. Avoid eating out and you will see the effects. Usually, a sit-down restaurant meal is improved with hundreds of additional calories, used to cause the clients satiation. Salad fixings’ values are usually double, even triple to the mentioned. Yes, the toppings are really tasty, but you should be really careful, as the lettuce has no calories compared to them.


8. Eating healthy does not mean one can have as many healthy sandwiches or meals as he/she would like. Never overeat on anything, never mind healthy or bad for your health. Everything in exceeded quantities is fatal for our final destination, even water.


9. Proper sleep is vital as you won’t feel drowsiness and need of caffeine. Columbian University scientists have proven that depriving yourself of sleep lowers leptin levels and boosts ghrelin, thus resulting in hunger. These hormonal processes slow your metabolism and hold on to fat stores.


10. The University of Colorado has discovered that foods, rich in resistant starch have fat-burning properties and can increase the process with up to 25%.  Such foods are brown rice, beans, bananas, oats, corn and whole meal bread products.


11. Motivation is extremely important. In order to achieve maximum intensity in your exercise, use an MP3 Player, or anything you can bring to listen to music and entertain yourself during the session.


12.  Push yourself with new goals and different workouts. The body naturally adapts to anything you do. Even a high-intensity workout will seem easier to accomplish if repeated for more than 4-6 weeks. Be careful and teach yourself impeccable body control.


13.  If you are really up to shedding body fat, you will probably like this one. We are all aware of the positives of brushing your teeth after a meal. This is why, I recommend you do that, if you wish to avoid any sweet-tooth e.g.. The intenseand  flavor of toothpaste and breath stripes can fend off the craving.


14.  Instead of drinking juices, go for the whole fruits. This way, you will save up to 150 calories when having an orange, instead of an orange juice. As for the whole milk, I would rather opt for skimmed. Always go for diet drinks, instead of regular. Artificially colored juices and coffees are high in calories. Keep a close eye on your portion sizes.


Shedding body fat is really demanding. You should give everything you’ve got  to reach your final destination. Work now for the future.



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