Reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and high cholesterol with these 5 foods.
Author Archives: Fitness Cartel
Happy Food
A list of delicious and healthy food that not only fills you up, but makes you happy!
Exercising During Pregnancy
An all-round guide to exercising during pregnancy. And by they way, congratulations!
The Olympic Body
Olympians come in all shapes and sizes, and we take a look at their BMI in this article.
Strange Health Tips
A list of 10 strange, and possibly sexy, ways to stay healthy. Yes, we’re fond of #1 as well.
Science of Weight Loss
An explanation of the most effective forms of weight loss and all dat science.
Loss vs Management
Weight loss vs weight management ~ A combination of all the things is necessary.
30 Day Squat Challenge
The 30 day squat challenge from 30dayfitnesschallenges. Get the ass you’ve always wanted!
30 Day Pushup Challenge
The 30 day pushup challenge from 30dayfitnesschallenges. Build that body!
30 Day Plank Challenge
The 30 day plank challenge from 30dayfitnesschallenges. Feel the buuuuuuuurn!