Getting hot and spicy in the kitchen has beneficial effects.
Author Archives: Fitness Cartel
Diet & Calorie Stats
Learn a bit more about calories and what their deal is.
Five Fitness Myths
Five of the top myths in fitness and exercise.
The Life of Sugar
So where exactly does the evil sugar empire originate?
Guide to Sugar in Food
A guide to sugar in some of the most delicious AND DEADLY foods.
Ultimate Guide to Calories
Use this US guide to help work out what goes and (and must come out).
The Benefits of Nuts
No, I’m not talking about that which defines a man. Gobble dem nuts!
Burning calories made easy
cbf doing ‘real’ exercise but still want to feel like you’re doing something?
Feel the Burn in 10 mins
How many calories can you burn in 10 minutes?
Real Food: The breakdown
Real food is harder to find than you think. Be educated.