(-_- ) I just woke up, don’t talk to me until I’ve had my coffee..
Tag Archives: diet
10 Easter Facts
It’s that time of the year where chocolate rabbits are eating baby chickens or something.
Truth About Chocolate
First it was good for you, then it was bad for you. And now? Somewhere around the middle..
Chocolate Facts & Myths
It’s Easter and there’s chocolate everywhere, begging you to eat it..
Beginner’s Guide to Paleo
A quick reference cheat-sheet for all things relating to the Paleo Diet.
Find Antioxidants
Where to find antioxidants in the simplest of places.
Top Protein Snacks 2014
Top 10 Best Protein Bars, Cookies & Snacks of 2014 Protein Bars are some of the most underrated but most versatile supplements in the industry. Having been extremely popular in the 80s and 90s, there was a brief lull in sales during the late 90s up to the mid 00’s, however, the last few years …
Pre-workout Supplements
A guide to pre-workout supplements and amino acids.
Health Hacks
Every day health hacks you can utilise from items around the house.
Lose Weight Gain Muscle
All food has calories, but this guide shows that some are better than others.