A list of the top 10 exercise myths. The only thing missing is something about turning into a dragon.
Category Archives: Fitness
Weight Loss Tips
11 great tips on how to lose weight without losing your mind. It’s not as hard as you think.
Pedal Power
Some interesting cycling facts mainly focussing on America, but interesting nonetheless.
Make a Splash
Swimming is an excellent source of exercise for the entire body, perfect for all ages, shapes and sizes.
Hack Your Fitness
Easy steps we can do day-to-day that will burn off extra calories. Exercise without even realising it.
One Healthy Day
A day in the life of a healthy person. It’s not as fully hectic as you might think, uleh.
Live Longer
A list of 22 things to help you live longer. Do them all twice and you will live doubley long*. *May not actually happen.
Richard Simmons Lulz
Here’s 15 facts you may not have known about Richard Simmons, the king of exercise >.>
Track your Fitness
This is the complete guide to tracking your fitness online with the latest apps.
Exercising During Pregnancy
An all-round guide to exercising during pregnancy. And by they way, congratulations!