3 Simple Things You Can Do Each Day to Increase Fat Loss

Fat loss is all about balancing calories in vs calories out, right? Actually, no. While a great idea in theory, body fat percentage is about so much more than simply how many calories you eat. It depends on the quality of the calories, how often you’re eating, whether you’re snacking, how much sleep you get, …

The 5 best exercises for building muscle and how to perform them correctly, according to the UK’s fittest man

The trick is to focus on compound movements which recruit multiple muscle groups, apply progressive overload, then be consistent and patient. Zack George performing a squat and deadlift. Photo: Zack George By Rachel Hosie There are a lot of benefits to building muscle that go beyond looking good and being able to pick up heavy things, as Insider’s …

3 Proven Ways To Build Muscle And Burn Fat Simultaneously

How can you build muscle and burn fat simultaneously? This process is otherwise known as body recomposition. It is where your body fat reduces, and you gain more muscle mass. It is well-known novices experience this when doing resistance training for the first time. But is this possible if you are someone who has been going to …

30-Day Head-to-Toe Fitness Challenge

Use this calendar to keep track of which workouts to do each day. And every week, you’ll focus on a new mini-goal. Week one, you’ll work on nailing the form of each move. During week two, try to increase your rep count. For week three, aim to try a new cross-training routine. Challenge yourself to …

How to Fight Depression Without the Pills

Exercise can help without, or alongside, antidepressants and medication to help you live a happier life. EXERCISE VS ANTIDEPRESSANTS STUDY: 3 groups: Aerobic exercise Antidepressant medication Aerobic Exercise + Antidepressant medication Results: After 16 weeks 65% of people in all 3 groups no longer had major depression Exercise and antidepressant results were essentially the same …

Fat Loss Facts

There are many myths as to how weight loss is achieved and what happens to fat when we lose it. In their study findings, Ruben Meerman and Professor Andrew J Brown surprised many with their revelations on weight loss. In a paper published on BMJ, they revealed the lungs are the primary excretory organ for …